5350 Pacific Way
Longview, WA 98632
Phone: (360) 423-2493
CDID #1 works closely with other entities and government agencies in its role of providing effective flood control and stormwater managment. A number of these partners are listed below.
CDID #1 is a partner with the DEM during storms and highwater events and all phases of emergency preparedness. A district reprentative will typically be called to the emergency operations center to provide critical feedback and help coordinate needs for flood fight efforts if applicable.
This partnership including CDID #1 is committed to developing a public information and education campaign to help inform the Lower Columbia region about the impact of stormwater runoff on our local waterways and to affect behavior changes and water quality improvements in our communities. Information on the CCW can be found HERE.” And their website link is: https://www.cowlitzcleanwaters.org/
CDID #1 works directly with the Portland District for routine levee encroachment permit review, annual levee inspections, and all technical matters relating to levee maintenance and improvements.
CDID #1 response to storm and flooding events is largely dependent on forecasts from the National Weather Service. More specifically, the flood alerts, flood warnings, and specific river stage information published by the NWS River Forecast Center. Information on local river conditions can be found HERE.
CDID #1 is a secondary permitee to the City of Longview on its NPDES stormwater permit. This permit is adminstered by the Washington State Department of Ecology.
CDID #1 has partnered with the City on applying for grant funds to improve water quality within District boundaries. District and City staff work collaboratively on addressing drainage problems and assessing maintenance needs.
CDID #1 works collaboratively with the County on regional stormwater issues.
CDID #1 works collaboratively with the City of Kelso on regional stormwater issues.