5350 Pacific Way
Longview, WA 98632
Phone: (360) 423-2493


CDID #1 Consolidation Document - 1923 (Click for PDF)

main ps const

Main Pump Station Construction 1924

cr levee const

Columbia River levee construction 1923


Prior to development by the Long Bell Lumber Company, the Longview area was protected by seven independent operating diking districts (click for map). The growth of the industrial, commercial, and residential areas created the need for a uniform stormwater management and flood protection program. This was accomplished in 1923 by merging the seven diking districts into what is now Consolidated Diking Improvement District No. 1 of Cowlitz County, Washington.

The newly formed CDID #1 then initiated a massive construction program to protect the 11,000 acre valley from the flood threats of the rivers and to control stormwater runoff. Fifteen miles of levees were constructed along the Cowlitz and Columbia Rivers. Thirty five miles of stormwater collection ditches were constructed within the valley by improving natural drainage channels and, where neccessary, digging new ditches. A six mile long ditch and levee system was constructed on the north side of the valley to control drainage from 5,000 acres of uplands. Six high volume pumps were installed at the west end of the valley to discharge the collected stormwater out of the protected area into the Coal Creek Slough. In all, over $2,000,000 was spent on this construction program.

Through the years CDID #1 has expanded on the original construction to meet the requirements of a growing community. The levees were raised in 1949 in a joint project with the US Army Corps of Engineers. The ditches have been improved to better facilitate stormwater removal and additional ditches have been constructed to remove water from new neighborhoods. Existing pump stations have been improved and/or new ones installed to keep up with increased runoff borught about by new development.

As the Cities of Kelso and Longview grow, CDID #1 will continue to evolve as it accepts its responsibility of providing a reliable flood control and stormwater management system to protect the people and property within the confines of the District.

Panoramic view of Main Pump Station Construction