5350 Pacific Way
Longview, WA 98632
Phone: (360) 423-2493
Diking District Office located at 5350 Pacific Way in Longview. Office hours are Monday Through Friday from 8am to 4pm.
View from Office looking down at Main Pump Station and maintenance shop.
Consolidated Diking Improvement District No. 1 (CDID #1)
is a special purpose district pursuant to Chapter 85.15 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW).
CDID #1 was formed in 1923 as a consolidation of seven smaller diking and drainage districts in the area.
The MISSION of CDID #1 is to: "Protect life, property,
and environment by providing comprehensive flood protection for the
portions of the
City of Longview, the City of Kelso, and Cowlitz
County that fall within its jurisdictional boundaries."
Flood protection efforts consist of both protection against external flooding from the Cowlitz and
Columbia Rivers, and internal flooding from storm drainage runoff
from lands found adjacent to and inside the levee system.
District operations are funded by a special benefits assessment on
properties within District boundaries.
District meetings are held at 9:00 AM on the second and last Tuesday
of each month at the District Office located at 5350 Pacific Way in
Longview. All meetings are open to the public.
Please feel free to browse our web pages or call the office at
(360) 423-2493 for more information about CDID#1.
Property Owner Resources:
So you live behind a levee? Click Here